Tag Archives: BMW brake servicing in Halifax Yorkshire uk

BMW Hand brake problem-Why do my brakes need servicing?

zzzzzzzzzzx Ryan racing 2

BMW HAND BRAKE PROBLEM; Brakes are without doubt one of the most crucial part of your car and making sure they are working effectively is vital. Watch this video to see if you are …

BMW Hand brake problem-This is a good and simple video explaining about why your car brakes need servicing every once in a while.

As the owner of a garage. So, we see drivers pulling in with many different types of problems. From rattling and banging brakes. Of course, to the “my brakes don’t work at all brigade”. Like most garages we see them all.

Most problems would have been solved. Of course, by the driver having the cars brakes serviced once in a while. The problem is that we all lead busy lives and time flies by, well you know what i mean.

BMW  hand brake problem
BMW With hand brake problem

Before you know it the brakes dont work very well and you start to panic.

Hand brake problem

This is exactly what happened today(September 22nd 2015) A guy turned up out of the blue and told us the story about how he nearly lost his car. He parked the BMW on a hill, pulled on the handbrake and as he started to exit the car, it started to roll back down the hill.

Lucky for him, the guy was  agile and shot back into he car and put on the foot brake. With a very fast beating heart he drove the car straight to my garage here in Halifax UK.

When we examined the Hand brake problem

 We found that it had discs all the way round. The hand brake on this model is connected to the disc by a small brake drum.

BMW With hand brake problem
BMW Hand brake showing the shoes assembly clearly

So, the drum completely rusted up and was completely ineffective, it just did not work?

We explained that this BMW Hand brake problem could have been picked up at a brake service. After a good clean up and some new shoes, the BMW Hand brake problem was solved and the guy went on his way.


Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.youtube.com