Category Archives: All Car Maintenance Stuff

All Car Maintenance Stuff

All Car Maintenance Stuff

Oil Changes

Oil Changes

Oil Changes
Oil Changes

Oil Changes

Castrol’s new Nexcel tech promises 90-second drop oil changes and dry sumps for all. But could this revolutionary new process spell the end for DIY home mechanic?

Wow this is out of the blue?

All the energy in the recent auto scene has been dedicated to the engine emissions and cutting back on greenhouse gasses, but I never saw this one coming. Changing oil is pretty easy and i would not have thought that engineers were or would be looking for ways of making it easier.

I can see where they are coming from, but i feel that the prediction of most cars having this technology fitted by 2020 a little far fetched, but you never know. it is nice to see some stuff coming out about the regular cars and not the electric side of the jog, for a change.

Little has changed when carrying out

 Oil Changes, over the past fifty years and more. Just about everybody could change the oil in their car, but things are about to change.

The old oil in the engine will enter the box. The box will then be unplugged and then removed. A new cartridge will be inserted containing the correct amount of oil for the particular model of car.

The box will be electronically

connected to the cars engine management system and it is claimed that this will give better engine CO2 emission results. The old oil in the box will then be recycled responsibly.

In my opinion, car designs

will have to change to fit the Oil Changes box under the car bonnet. Although it is battery-sized, if the battery were removed from another part of the car, it could still work.

Also, there is nothing said about topping your oil level up or when oil changes will take place? Only time will tell whether or not this is a good idea or not?

#Eric Roberts

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Self-Driving cars-Doomsday Scenario

Wow if like me you work in the auto industry then we had better be looking for another job?

This article portrays a nightmare scenario for the whole of the motor industry?

Self-Driving cars

Self-Driving cars
Self-Driving cars

Self-Driving cars

You have to read it

and keep nipping yourself every now and again. I still do not see a future for self driving cars and I just think that it is for huge companies with loads of money to burn.

I cannot see how you could even start mixing self-driving cars on the same roads as cars with human drivers.

These self-driving cars cannot think like humans.

It was proven when self-driving cars got stuck on a roundabout during testing. The car could not think how to join the roundabout because all the human drivers were using their brains and speed of thought. They were nipping out, leaving the  self-driving cars with nowhere to go.

Also, the auto industry generates billions of dollars for various exchequers and employs billions of workers. How are these things going to replace the lost revenue from taxes?

Also, what about the insurance? Self-Driving cars

problems and the emergency services, What are they going to use?

My blood is boiling at the moment. So I will cut it short, but I don’t think it will ever happen, perhaps on a new planet in three hundred years.

I was recently lucky enough to be able to visit Rome, the capital of Italy. When I saw the organised chaos of the Italian traffic system, I had a little chuckle to myself at the thought of the introduction of self-driving cars into their system.

No disrespect to any Italians who may read my blogs, because their traffic system does work, albeit at high speed. We will have to see.

2020 Update. Self-Driving cars

Of course, here in 2020 we have the Corona virus outbreak, which has brought most things to a halt. Including the progress of the driverless car.

Here in Halifax, we just keep on plodding along, fitting tyres and servicing cars the good old-fashioned way. In my opinion, these “fads” will come and go! Moving forward, I believe that the horrific cost of this pandemic will put many of these crazy ideas on hold.

2024 article update. Self-Driving cars

Certainly, let us engage in a discourse regarding the most recent advancements in the realm of autonomous vehicles, a subject that is presently generating considerable interest and chatter.

It’s truly remarkable, particularly when you consider the potential transformative impact of this technology on our transport infrastructure as well as the far-reaching implications for daily commutes and delivery processes for organisations such as ours.

What then has emerged in the domain of autonomous vehicles? The most significant news is consistently how these intelligent vehicles are improving their ability to navigate our unpredictable streets.

Due to the fact

that the software has been fine-tuned and improved by the technologists, these vehicles are becoming increasingly adept at handling a variety of obstacles, including stray cyclists and pedestrians.

There have been several additional industry titans dipping their caps into the ring. Conventional automakers are collaborating with technology companies in order to accelerate the development of autonomous vehicles.

It is comparable to observing a high-stakes relay race in which all participants transfer the technological baton in an attempt to gain an advantage.

The developments in artificial intelligence

that enable vehicles to make decisions in real time have been a major highlight. This technology is about more than just travelling from A to B; it also improves the safety and efficiency of travel.

One could envision a future in which traffic congestion and accidents are relegated to the annals of history; that sounds fairly enticing, wouldn’t you say?

Significant urban trials generate considerable anticipation in the United Kingdom. These trials serve the purpose of determining the compatibility of self-driving vehicles with our current road infrastructure, which, let’s face it, is not always the most spacious or uncomplicated!

Furthermore, there is considerable discourse surrounding the regulatory framework that must be adhered to in order to guarantee ethical conduct and safety. It is comparable to establishing the regulations for an unorthodox game; a comprehensive understanding of the stipulations is imperative prior to commencing actual gameplay.

As tiny business owners and locals

The ramifications are enormous. We are discussing the possibility of drastically reducing delivery times due to the continuous operation of these vehicles.

And it’s quite exciting to consider the possibilities, especially for someone like me, who is constantly on the lookout for the next great thing in technology to help the company grow—perhaps even delivering car batteries to customers without a driver!

Thus, maintain vigilance.

The self-driving car industry is advancing rapidly, and all hands are on deck. Not only does it pertain to technology, but also to equipping our communities and enterprises for an intelligent and streamlined future.

Who knows, then? Potentially approaching sooner than we anticipate, these intelligent vehicles will be navigating the thoroughfares of Halifax, thereby considerably enhancing road safety and simplifying our daily lives.

Anticipation is warranted for the voyage ahead; it deserves to be a thrilling one!

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BMW Hand brake problem

BMW Hand brake problem

BMW Hand brake problem
BMW Hand brake problem

BMW Hand brake problem

BMW HAND BRAKE PROBLEM: Brakes are without doubt one of the most crucial part of your car and making sure they are working effectively is vital. Watch this video to see if you are …

BMW Hand brake problem: This is a good and simple video explaining about why your car brakes need servicing every once in a while.

As the owner of a garage. So, we see drivers pulling in with many different types of problems. From rattling and banging brakes. Of course, to the “my brakes don’t work at all brigade”. Like most garages we see them all.

Most problems would have been solved. Of course, by the driver having the cars brakes serviced once in a while. The problem is that we all lead busy lives and time flies by, well you know what i mean.

BMW  hand brake problem
BMW With hand brake problem

Before you know it the brakes dont work very well and you start to panic.

Hand brake problem

This is exactly what happened today(September 22nd 2015) A guy turned up out of the blue and told us the story about how he nearly lost his car. He parked the BMW on a hill, pulled on the handbrake and as he started to exit the car, it started to roll back down the hill.

Lucky for him, the guy was  agile and shot back into he car and put on the foot brake. With a very fast beating heart he drove the car straight to my garage here in Halifax UK.

When we examined the Hand brake problem,

 We found that it had discs all the way around. A small brake drum on this model connects the hand brake to the disc.
BMW With hand brake problem
BMW Hand brake showing the shoes assembly clearly
We explained that this BMW

. After a good clean-up and some new shoes, the BMW Hand brake problem was solved and the guy went on his way.

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Brakes grinding

Brakes grinding

brakes grinding
Broken discs like the one in the video and the ones that we came across on this Skoda are a rare occurrence. Regular servicing would pick up the early signs of brake deterioration.

Brakes grinding

This is the worst example of brakes disintegrating that I have ever seen? Hence, they were fitted like new on a Skoda car. Of course, the driver must have been very deaf. Because he brought the car to us, saying, “His brakes felt a bit spongy.”?

As a result, when we removed the wheels,. Thus, we found that the front discs were completely shattered. Of course, and in separate parts. Very similar to the pickup in the video.

Believe me, this is no way to look after your car; in fact, it is shear neglect and damned dangerous.

Is brake grinding, a common thing ?

“Grinding Brakes: More Than Just a Nuisance on UK Roads”

Hello, everyone! Brakes grinding

Have you ever been driving along, admiring the quiet beauty of the Lake District or navigating the hustle and bustle of Manchester, when your peaceful trip is abruptly disturbed by a sound akin to nails on a chalkboard? Yes, I’m referring to the worrisome grinding sounds coming from your brakes. It’s more than an irritation; it’s your car’s cry for rescue.

Why Do Brakes Sound Like Grumpy Badgers?

First and foremost, we need to comprehend what is going on. Brake grinding is similar to hearing your kettle shriek; it indicates that something is wrong. Normally, this ear-sore sound indicates that the brake pads have worn down to the nubs. It’s metal on metal, like cutlery scratching on a plate—uncomfortable and dangerous.

Causes of the Grind:

worn-out brake pads. This is the usual suspect. Brake pads wear down over time, just like your beloved pair of trainers. If they get too thin, the metal backing makes contact with the brake disc, causing the grinding sound.

Debris in the Brakes: Brakes grinding

Road debris, such as a stone or grit lodged in the calliper, much like a rock in your shoe, can occasionally be the source of noise.

Corrosion: Brakes grinding

Due to our wet and often salty roads (thanks, British weather), brake discs can deteriorate. Corrosion can create uneven wear or pitting of the discs, resulting in grinding noises, particularly after a rainy night in Birmingham or a foggy morning in Edinburgh.

Why it’s more than just noise

While it may be tempting to turn up the radio and ignore it, grinding brakes can be as dangerous as throwing darts in the dark. This noise isn’t just bothersome; it signifies that your braking efficiency is deteriorating faster than a fallen Cornish pasty.

This means greater stopping distances and a larger risk of an accident, which is not ideal whether driving through London’s congested streets or on a slippery Scottish road.

Don’t be deaf. Brakes grinding
If your brakes are singing the song of their people, it’s time to stop it. Take your car to a recognised garage, not just any old one. Remember, this is for safety, not merely muting an obnoxious noise.

A little TLC goes a long way.
Regular check-ups can save you a lot of time and money. It’s similar to checking the weather report before going on a day trip to Blackpool; it’s better to be prepared.

Wrapping It Up
So, there you have it. If your brakes are grinding, don’t waste time; it’s as serious as taking the wrong turn in a one-way system. Take care of your automobile, and it will look after you, especially on these lovely but occasionally difficult UK roads.

Drive safely. Brakes grinding

Remember that the only grinding noise on your trip should come from the coffee shop at your destination!
Squeaking noise when braking, is also a common inquiry, but this is just a build-up of brake dust, and a good brake clean will usually cure the noise.

Some cars still have disc brakes at the front and drum brakes at the rear, although the trend is to have disc brakes all-around., Another problem is when the driver asks about brake drum noise.

As I say, this is normally at the rear of the car and means that the brake shoes will need replacing, or cleaning to get rid of rust build-up on the actual drums, which can cause a grinding noise.

Timing belts are Important

Timing belts are Important

Timing belts are Important

Timing belts are Important
Timing belts are Important

Timing belts are Important

When it comes to car servicing, timing belts are important. A timing belt is the most important serviceable part of a car’s engine.

There is no doubt that your cars Timing belts are Important. Consequently, this is another reason why you should take in your car for regular servicing . Importantly, at regular intervals.

You may ask what servicing has to do with your timing belt?

The truth is that all good garages (including my own garage)here in Halifax, Yorkshire, UK. On the positive side  will check out the timing belt changing times . So, when carrying out a service..

Timing belt change intervals, are recorded on the computer data that we have to keep nowadays. These systems act as the timing belt interval replacement guide, and keep in all the interval times and other important information, such as how many hours labour it takes to fit one.

This timing belt replacement time

The Critical Importance of Regular Timing Belt Checks
Certain automotive maintenance jobs may appear simple, but they are crucial to your vehicle’s longevity and safety.

One such chore is the frequent inspection of the timing belt—a component that may not receive as much attention as oil changes or tyre pressures but is critical to the correct operation of your car’s engine.

What is a timing belt? Timing belts are Important
The timing belt is a component of an internal combustion engine that synchronises the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft(s),

allowing the engine’s valves to open and close at the appropriate moments throughout each cylinder’s intake and exhaust strokes. It is a critical component that keeps the engine running smoothly.

The importance of regular servicing

Regular maintenance, including timing belt check, is necessary for various reasons:

Preventing Engine Damage: The timing belt wears and tears with use. If not replaced at the manufacturer’s recommended intervals (often between 60,000 and 100,000 miles),

it may fail. A snapped timing belt can cause serious engine damage, including bent valves, cylinder head or camshaft damage, and pistons striking valves. Such fixes are much more expensive than belt replacements.

Maintaining Vehicle Performance: Timing belts are Important

A well maintained timing belt ensures that the engine performs optimally. It helps to maintain the engine timing exactly, preventing it from running too rich or too lean, which can have an impact on overall performance and fuel efficiency.

Ensuring Safety: A broken timing belt can cause sudden engine damage, resulting in unexpected vehicle breakdowns in potentially dangerous locations or under hazardous driving conditions. Regular inspections and replacements, if needed, lower the likelihood of such incidents.

Consequences of not replacing timing belts, Timing belts are Important

Neglecting the timing belt can have a number of significant consequences.

Catastrophic Engine Failure: If the timing belt breaks while the engine is operating, it can lead to catastrophic engine failure. In engines with very limited clearance between pistons and valves (known as interference engines), a timing belt failure can cause the valves and pistons to collide, resulting in catastrophic engine damage.

Increased Repair Costs: Ignoring timing belt maintenance can result in higher costs down the road. Repairing engine damage caused by a faulty timing belt is often expensive and can exceed the value of the car, particularly in older models.

Reduced Resale Value: Regular maintenance records, such as timing belt repairs, can help increase a vehicle’s resale value. Potential purchasers are frequently prepared to pay extra for a well-maintained vehicle, which includes regular timing belt changes.

Best Practices for Timing Belt Maintenance

Check the Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended service intervals. These rules are intended to prevent problems before they arise.

Visual inspections: During routine maintenance, inspect the timing belt for indicators of wear such as cracks, shredding, or excessive slack.

Consider ageing and usage: Even if you drive a low mileage vehicle, ageing can have an impact on the timing belt. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the timing belt every 5 to 7 years, regardless of the number of miles driven.

Replace Related Components: When changing a timing belt, it is generally a good idea to also replace related components such as the tensioner and water pump. This preventative technique can save money and avoid future issues.

The timing belt may not be the most obvious component of your car, but it is one of the most important for your engine’s health and safety.

Regular timing belt checkups and maintenance are Important

can help to prevent severe engine damage, save money on potentially expensive repairs, and keep your car reliable and performing at its best. As a responsible vehicle owner, you should never disregard this important part of automotive maintenance.

will be used to give our customer a price and perhaps time for them to save up for the job. Although it is not a very expensive job, it will usually mean that you will also need a price for the timing belt and water pump replacement.

The water pump is usually a part of the same system

So, is also better to be changed at the same time. Of course,  the timing belt also drives the water pump and is better changed. Avoiding a water leak in the future. Having to repeat the same job in the too distant future.

Also, if you have a leaking water pump, it is best policy to change your timing belt at the same time.

Some models of cars have metal timing belts, which do not require the same attention, but the workshop manuals will tell your garage this.

DO not ignore the advise of Timing belts are important because the end consequence will mean a damaged engine, at least)

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MOT Test Dilemna

MOT Test Dilemna

MOT Test Dilemna
MOT Test Dilemna

MOT Test Dilemna

MOT Test Dilemna: Last year, some 27.48 million vehicles took the MOT test with a pass rate of 60 percent. A DVSA report said 18.1% of those who passed should have failed, which is up from last year.

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First MOT Test from Three to Four Years- will put drivers in Danger?

I must declare myself as the owner of an MOT testing station in the UK.

The article in the Auto Express from its editor in chief, Steve Fowler, looks a little scary. I think I know where it is coming from, though. The new government is looking for all sorts of tin-pot ways to save money.

They have already reduced the number of staff that is working to keep our MOT testing system in one piece, but we are now getting close to the limits that the DVSA (old VOSA) can cope with.

A few years ago, the MOT system was split into three parts. Each

MOT station was allocated a colour red, amber and green.

If you were a clean station without complaints or any testing problems in the past, you would be in the green zone. If you have had many problems in the past, you would be in the red zone, the amber zone was for those in between.

Points are awarded against you. Depending on how serious the offence may have been,. Depending on which zone you were in,. Also accounted for is the number of visits that you would get from VOSA.

We are in the green lane- MOT Test Dilemna

So we have the minimum number of visits. So, we are more trustworthy to carry out the testing procedures. Of course, according to the law and the manuals.

At the same time, the number of inspectors was reduced, and in my opinion, this is where the problems arise that are coming out in these figures. Not all garages are completely trustworthy. Three million cars that have wrongly  passed  the MOT are a massive claim and a major MOT test dilemma?

The next cost cutting measure

will be the extension of the period that a new car requires an MOT test. The government claim that it will save motorists money, but it will also save them money as it will take out millions of cars for testing when the three- to four-year period comes in.

The attached article is a very good read because it gives many facts and figures that I don’t really want to repeat regarding the MOT Test dilemma.

I know that they are making our roads more dangerous

by messing about with petty cutbacks; they have even dumbed down the excellent computer system, which, by the way, crashed recently, leaving millions of drivers without a valid MOT test certificate.

Catalytic Converter Maintenance

Catalytic Converter Maintenance

Catalytic Converter Maintenance
Catalytic Converter Maintenance

Bosal offers the ‘do’s and dont’s’ when it comes to cats Catalytic converter maintenance: Bosal shares the ‘dos and don’ts’. According to Bosal Automotive & Industrial Components, a supplier of complete exhaust systems, at least 150,000 people put the wrong fuel into their vehicles each year. To prevent damage […]

Catalytic Converter Maintenance

What is a catalytic converter?
So, what is a catalytic converter at home? Simply put, it’s a device that fits into your car’s exhaust system.

It converts dangerous gases produced by the engine, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, into safer chemicals like carbon dioxide and water vapour before they exit your exhaust pipe. Consider it a watchdog of our ecosystem, combatting pollution.

A Bit of History. Catalytic Converter Maintenance

The story of the catalytic converter begins in the mid-twentieth century. These gadgets became necessary as concerns about air pollution grew in parts of the UK and elsewhere.

The United States took the lead on this in the 1970s, enacting severe rules requiring the use of catalytic converters in automobiles. To fulfil European emissions rules, all new petrol cars in the UK were obliged to have catalytic converters installed in 1993.

How They Work.

A catalytic converter’s inside is similar to a honeycomb, with a substance that helps speed up chemical processes, often platinum, palladium, and rhodium. When exhaust gases pass through, a sequence of redox (reduction and oxidation) events take place, converting the bad material into less dangerous chemicals. It’s like magic, but it’s all science, I swear!

Why They Are Important. Catalytic Converter Maintenance

The importance of catalytic converters cannot be overemphasised. They are critical for decreasing pollutants that lead to air pollution and global warming.

For those of us who live in Halifax, with its rich history and stunning settings like as Shibden Hall and the Piece Hall, keeping our air clean is about more than just satisfying requirements; it’s about conserving our community and natural heritage for years to come.

Modern Developments

Technology never stops, doesn’t it? Advances in materials research and engineering have made modern catalytic converters more efficient than ever before. They are also being built to address the issues. Raised by hybrid and electric vehicles, which work differently than standard petrol or diesel engines.

Challenges and Controversies.

However, not all of the driving is smooth. Catalytic converters are a popular target for thieves because they contain precious metals. It’s a serious problem, and many automobile owners have awoken to discover their vehicles are louder and less environmentally friendly than the night before.

Furthermore, there is constant debate about how we combine our need for automobiles with our environmental duties, particularly in the UK, where we are all attempting to do our part to combat climate change.

Wrapping Up

While you may never see your catalytic converter unless you’re looking beneath the car or, oh forbid, someone has stolen it, its duty is just as important as any other component of your vehicle. For those of us who want to promote a greener future while keeping our local areas as lovely as ever, it’s critical that we understand and appreciate these unsung heroes of the automobile sector.

So, the next time you’re out and about, whether it’s to the local shop or driving through the Yorkshire Dales, remember that your car’s catalytic converter is helping to keep our skies blue and our communities beautiful. Isn’t that something worth taking care of?

It seems to be strange writing about Exhaust systems and catalytic converters. hence, these parts are now highly developed and are an important in the modern day cars emissions system.

Gone are the days

when we used to stock as much as £30K’s worth of exhaust systems. Of course, this would include catalytic converters. For this reason, cars would have a specific exhaust system fitted to each model.

Unlike tyres, where one tyre size will fit many car models,. I remember a great deal that I did with Bosal Exhausts. I had to rent a small warehouse. Necessarily, the warehouse had to be fitted out with specialist racking.

This was to include

all the different sizes and shapes of the exhausts and cats (catalytic converters). Part of the deal for a stock order was for Bosal to carry out the racking free of charge. I was amazed at the speed and workmanship that it took to build all the racking. Accordingly, to me, it was a work of art.

After a couple of  years, the exhaust market started to decline and we reverted back to the old method of buying exhausts and cats as they were required. However, was it good while it lasted?

According to Bosal Automotive & Industrial Components, a supplier of complete exhaust systems, at least 150,000 people put the wrong fuel into their vehicles each year. All Bosal products are type approved in accordance with the European directive for replacement silencing systems 70/157.

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Female Drivers are not overcharged

Female Drivers are not overcharged

Female Drivers are not overcharged

Female Drivers are not overcharged
Female Drivers are not overcharged

When I saw the original post that accused service garages of overcharging our female drivers, I became very angry.

This article comes a little closer. Female Drivers are not overcharged

to the truth and finds that the reverse is more like the truth. I would like to think that on a like-for-like job, men and women would be charged the same, but I am sure that each gender leans a little towards his or her own type of customer.

I noticed a few years ago that our female customer base was increasing and has now overtaken the men for visits to my service centre garage.

We have always been fair and honest

with all our customers, and I think that this has come across extremely well with our lady car owners. In fact, I went a step further and now employ a female manager to run my garage.

Deb has great strengths in the customer relations department and is excellent with both men and women customers, but I do not mind admitting that women drivers do trust another lady in the garage environment, and this is proving to be a very successful move on my behalf with no negative affects in all departments.

Are ladies charged more ?

This article has been seen to prove that in most cases, women are let off more lightly when quoted for a like-for-like job. Don’t ask me why, but I believe it may be more accurate than the previous report’s claim that garages overcharged customers.

Garages can become more female-friendly by making small but important additions to the reception area. Here in my service centre, we always have fresh flowers on display and up-to-date women’s magazines. Cleanliness is also very important, as is a fresh smell. How many garages actually smell of oil, tyres, or petrol? This does not appeal to female drivers.

We made these changes. Female Drivers are not overcharged

a few years ago and are now reaping the benefits. We also make sure that our courtesy cars are female-friendly; they usually do not like driving big old cars.

Of course, another important thing to have checked is the timing belt changing time!

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Fake Brake Parts

Fake Brake Parts

Brand explains how to recognise fakes and emphasises the negative effects of using fake parts. Mintex, an aftermarket brand, is warning independent garages about the dangers of fitting counterfeit parts, stating that it is critical that garages understand how to spot a fake and the consequences of fitting fraudulent parts. According […]

Fake Brake Parts

This warning comes from the world-famous Mintex brake company. However, it is not a new problem here in the UK. In my opinion, it started when thousands of back-street car parts shops started to open up in the late Seventies.

Fake Brake Parts

Many of the brake parts and, indeed, other car parts were fake. My father worked for an old, established car parts company in Dewsbury, here in the UK. Of course, this business was badly affected. Consequently, they could not compete with the cheap imported and fake brake parts that these bucket shops were selling.

I also remember a TV programme about undercover reporters. Because I was in the trade, I took great interest. The TV programme had exposed a group of counterfeit car parts manufacturers in Turkey. The parts included brake linings, discs, and pads.

Fake Brake Parts

ThusAs a result, reputable manufacturers made counterfeits of them in Turkey. Interestingly, they were even branded with names such as Mercedes and BMW. You could order any box name that you wanted.

These were then imported into the United Kingdom and sold cheaply in bucket car spare shops. Therefore, killing off old, established local businesses. It looks like the practice has raised its ugly head again. If it ever went away, that is.

Increased Use of Counterfeit Brake Components

Topic: Recognizing Fake Brake Parts and Removing Them

There is a serious threat to motorists, passengers, and pedestrians from the increase in counterfeit brake parts. In this piece, we’ll talk about the risks associated with purchasing counterfeit brake parts, how to spot them, and what you can do instead.

Consequences of Using Counterfeit Brake Components

Fake brake components are frequently of low quality and can reduce stopping distances and put drivers at risk. They may cause: Longer Stopping Distances Due to Less Stopping Power Counterfeit parts may not perform up to par, increasing the likelihood of an accident.

Accidents can occur if the brakes wear out quickly or completely due to low quality parts. Damage to other parts of the braking system from using counterfeit components increases the cost of repairs.

How to Spot Fake Brake Components

Here are some telltale indicators that a brake part is a fake:

A bargain that seems too good to be true, such as a ridiculously low price, probably is. Be wary of parts that are priced suspiciously low.

Inconsistent or low-quality packaging: This may be an indicator of fake goods.

Fake parts may not have any identifying marks or branding, while real ones usually do.

Lack of Warranty: While many legitimately produced items come with warranties, counterfeit components almost never do.

How to Spot Fake Brake Parts

To avoid counterfeits, only buy brake components from reputable sources like official dealers or large chains.

Numbers must be checked against the manufacturer’s database of your vehicle to ensure compatibility and authenticity.

Examine the Branding and Packaging: Look for any Discrepancies That Might Indicate a Fake Product.

Seek Expert Opinion: Before purchasing any replacement brake parts, it is recommended that you speak with a qualified mechanic.


The proliferation of counterfeit brake components is a major threat to travellers’ safety. If you care about your safety and the safety of others, you should never compromise on quality or authenticity when purchasing brake components. Doing so will contribute to making the roads a safer place for everyone.

Eric Roberts

Mintex, an aftermarket brand, is warning independent garages about the dangers of fitting counterfeit parts, stating that it is critical that garages understand how to spot a fake and the consequences of fitting fraudulent parts.

MOT tester guilty

MOT tester guilty

MOT tester guilty
MOT tester guilty

I should not be saying this. But I have some sort of sympathy for the Halfords management. Hence, years ago when I was just learning the trade. One of my mentors, a Mr Eric Mercer gave one of his words of wisdom. Thus, never to “slag off”, your competition. I have remembered these words for the rest of my business life.

MOT Testers: Upholding Integrity in Vehicle Safety

As the owner of an MOT centre here in Halifax, then finding an honest MOT tester used to be a problem. It was said that testers who “floated about jobs” were in the job for one thing, dishonest money.

I found this to be true to a certain extent. Eventually after sniffing out potential trouble from newly recruited testers I decide to recruit within.

MOT testers play an important role in ensuring road safety. You would expect these professionals take pride in their honest work and adhere to high standards when inspecting vehicles.

Well this is not always true. Many of my mechanics have been long serving members of staff. Therefore I decided to ask them to become testers. They were very trusted people and I never looked back.

Up to this point I have never had a moment’s trouble from my testers.

Background: In the United Kingdom,

So, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) Test is a mandatory inspection that evaluates vehicle safety and roadworthiness. The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has trained and certified MOT testers who carry out these tests.

Integrity at the Core:

MOT testers adhere to strict guidelines, ensuring that each vehicle is thoroughly inspected. With lives on the line, they must remain objective while carrying out tests with integrity and honesty.

MOT testers’

 Responsibilities include visual inspections, functional tests, and emissions assessments. They inspect vital components such as brakes, tyres, lights, and exhaust systems to ensure compliance with regulations.

Accountability is essential:

DVSA certification ensures that testers have the skills and knowledge required for accurate evaluations. Regular DVSA audits ensure accountability, lowering the risk of dishonest practises. MOT testers are proud professionals who understand the importance of their work in terms of road safety. Their candid assessments help to reduce accidents and protect both drivers and pedestrians

This rule applies to Halfords?

An Mot tester is a highly respected job. Of course, the tester must be skilled at his job as a mechanic, but because of his position, must also be a very honest person.

Therefore, it is the later than concerns me as the owner of an MOT station myself. As a result, I have learned that the best policy is to employ you people and learn them the job over a number of years. This almost ensures that the same guys can be trusted. Especially, with MOT decisions.

MOT tester guilty
MOT tester guilty

Halfords MOT tester guilty

I have only had a few problems with MOT testers that I have had to employ from outside my apprentice system. In my opinion, I think that this is where the large multi-branch fitting stations come a cropper.

They have to employ some staff without any genuine record of trust and honesty. This why I sympathise with Halfords. It is only possible to catch employees out when they are caught in the act.

MOT tester guilty

Therefore I am sure that this is what the Halfords management are up against. We take great care of our staff and would be surprised if any of our MOT testers ever left us to work at a national company. They are a very important part of my business.

Unfortunately, companies the likes of Halfords have to employ what I call floating staff. Hence, with no loyalty and are more likely to try and fiddle MOT test results.