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Spare Wheel problem

Spare Wheel problem
Spare Wheel Problem: AAA is calling on automobile manufacturers to stop eliminating spare tyres from new car models.
cars without spare wheels?
This is one of the most stupid things to come out of the auto industry. I recommend that my customers either buy a spare wheel themselves or join one of the motoring organisations, such as the AAA in the USA or the AA here in the UK.
The idea was to lighten the weight of the car
to save on the environmental impact and make the car greener, but the car manufacturers must have saved themselves a fortune by leaving out a spare wheel.
The AAA in America is complaining in this article about the lack of a spare wheel, but I bet their membership has gone up recently?
Listening to my customers in Halifax, UK, there really is a spare. Or the lack of a Spare Wheel Problem, to be precise. It tends to be the older guys who do have a problem. Perhaps that is due to the amount of driving experience that they have had, combined with the number of times that a wheel problem has occurred.
Why Are Spare Wheels Going Spare? A Look at Modern Cars with Pellon Tyres.
Hello, fellow automotive fans and friends!
Today, I’m delving into an issue that has been bothering me lately: why are car manufacturers abandoning the good old spare wheel in many of their models? It’s similar to fish and chips, but without the vinegar, right? A little incomplete!
First, let’s go down memory lane. Remember the good old days of Halifax, with its rich industrial history? Cars have changed in the same way that our town has, from wool and textiles to a more diverse economy. But, as we sit comfy in our wonderful Halifax, sipping a tea, we have to wonder: are these changes for the better?
So, why are manufacturers abandoning up on the spare wheel? It’s all about space and weight. New cars, like modern apartments, aim to maximise space and efficiency. Ditching the spare wheel frees up more space for your luggage or shopping bags from The Piece Hall. Furthermore, less weight means improved fuel efficiency. With petrol costs like they are, who wouldn’t want a few more miles per gallon?
But here’s the catch:
without a spare wheel, what happens if you get a flat? You’re stuck, right? Okay, not quite. Manufacturers now provide alternatives such as run-flat tyres and puncture repair kits. Even with a puncture, run-flat tyres may take you up to 50 kilometres. It’s like having a Yorkshire Terrier: tiny but powerful!
At Pellon Tyres, we’ve seen plenty of these shifts. We appreciate that, while this progression makes sense from a bird’s-eye perspective, it’s not much comfort when you’re stuck on the M62 with a flat. That’s why we’re here to assist, whether it’s installing run-flats or providing information on puncture repair supplies.
And don’t forget about the environmental impact.
Less weight equals lower emissions, which is fantastic for our beautiful Yorkshire countryside. We are all for greener cars, but we also realise the need of practicality. It’s similar like wearing wellies in the Yorkshire Dales: you want to enjoy the view without getting trapped in mud!
So what is the verdict?
Do we support or oppose this change? Well, at Pellon Tyres, we believe in keeping up with the times while keeping our customers’ demands in mind. Whether you drive a car with or without a spare wheel, we’ve got you covered.
Remember, whether you need tyre advice or just want to talk about the newest in the automotive industry, stop by our garage in Halifax. We’re always up for a nice conversation, especially regarding vehicles and our beautiful town. Until next time, keep those wheels turning and enjoy the journey – even if there’s no spare wheel!
Spare Wheel problem
Let’s face it, when you do have a puncture, it is usually in some awkward spot? The last one that I had was when boarding a ferry to France, with five screaming kids sitting in the back. We had to carry on driving onto the ferry before I could attempt to change the wheel.
I had to unload all the holiday stuff
to get a spare wheel, but at least i had one. You would be surprised at the number of drivers who have been stuck with a spare wheel problem? The problem is that they did not have one?
When they bought the car, it was the last thing on their mind!! Does the car have a spare wheel?
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- Slashed tyres-100 tyres slashed - February 14, 2025
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