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H2USA, Department of Energy Announce New Tools for Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure Deployment | FuelCellsWorks


H2USA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced two new tools and the release of two reports developed through H2USA to support hydrogen fueling

To follow recent article. Hence, the USA are studying ways of setting up the Hydrogen fuel cell car filling station network. This is well worth a look at ? Because as far as i know. As expected the Americans are well ahead of anything .

“H2USA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced two new tools and the release of two reports developed through H2USA to support hydrogen fuelling infrastructure deployment.  H2USA is a public private partnership co-launched in 2013 by DOE and industry to develop hydrogen infrastructure and deploy fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) across the United States”


In the USA the Department of Energy. They have launched a private/public joint venture. That therefore, will be looking at ways of setting up a network of filling stations. Thus,  to accommodate the growing possibility of Hydrogen cars.
Her in the UK. For this reason, are also looking at the problem through the eyes of the UK.  Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association.

As a result, the association have been spurred on by the plan to provide £11 million to support. So for a network of hydrogen filling stations to be rolled out across the UK. This follows a recent successful campaign. As expected, from a group known as UKH2 Mobility, who supports the network of hydrogen fuel facilities.
As you can see from my image. Naturally, there is already hydrogen fuel filling stations. All dotted around Europe. Therefore it will only be a matter of time. Before we see these as common place on the existing forecourts across the world. Thus, similar to the addition of LPG gas pumps.

To bring this post more upto date.  Countries are expecting to roll out the pumps. Henvce,  to be able to sell Hydrogen fuel to motorists.

Source: www.fuelcellsworks.com

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