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Cinturato All-Season designed for markets like the UK Pirelli has launched a new all-season tyre aimed at increasing premium seasonal tyre sales amongst daily drivers living in markets with tempera…
Pirelli is just one of the major tyre companies to aim for the top spot. I do like the idea of a winter tyre that also has the potential to have a puncture protection system inside. The Pirelli Cinturato all-season tyres are now available.
Pirelli Cinturato All Season tyre launch took place in Sicily
The middle ground appears to have been chosen by Pirelli tyres. particularly between winter and summer tyres. Thus, they added the Pirelli Cinturato All-Season Tyre, a new “all-weather tyre,” to their line-up.
Launched in late January 2015, the tyre, as anticipated, is off the coast of Italy, on the vacation island of Sicily.
This was done to represent the various climates. to demonstrate the tyre’s effectiveness in balancing Mt. Etna’s snow-covered peaks. The area that is warmer is closer to the coast.
This tyre was created for the first time by Pirelli. Its goal will be to boost sales of premium seasonal tyres.
Due to this, daily drivers, particularly those who reside in urban regions and markets with mild European climates,
During the winter, the southern regions of Europe typically remain in the middle because drivers frequently make unusual trips into the mountains, where there is some snow and colder temperatures.
The “three peaks mountain snowflake” insignia on the tyre designates it as a suitable winter tyre. It comes in 15-, 16-, and 17-inch sizes.
Pirelli Cinturato All Season tyre
A snowflake in the shape of a mountain indicates that the tyre is suitable for use in areas where winter tyres are required.
As a result, by law, at specific times of the year Gregorio Borgo, Pirelli’s general manager, stated that the new tyre would target a significant portion of the automobile tyre market.
In areas with mild winters, the percentage is actually around 74%. Obviously, with hotter summers, the Pirelli Cinturato Any Season tyre will perform well in all conditions, with the exception of the harshest winters and summers.
The winters, in my perspective, are altering. I’m fortunate to own a vacation property in the southwest of France.
As a result, the winters are typically relatively mild.
However, we occasionally see Russian winds that may cause the temperature to drop as low as -17 °C. Last winter, we also experienced 10 inches of snow; fortunately, I had a set of winter tyres installed.
But I believe it rose to 15 degrees Celsius again after a few days. These Pirelli tyres would undoubtedly be ideal for this weather.
Pirelli Cinturato All Season can also be puncture protected.
One of the major benefits for me is this. because the new self-seal technology enables the sale of this new tyre Many tyre businesses are growing. “Seal within” is the name of Pirelli’s variation.
Thus, these tyres are given.
As a result, the edge adds yet another layer of safety features to the tyre. The self-seal delivers on its promise. because a screw could puncture the tyre
The space or hole will be sealed as a result. The driver and the car will be able to continue driving.
On a miserable, cold day, this is quite helpful. If your hands may freeze off while changing a wheel due to a puncture, this, in my opinion, would sell a tyre—not just the all-season part, but the entire package, including the self-seal.
Pirelli Cinturato All Season tyre
In the UK, especially in the south, where the winters are warmer, this might be a good offering.
According to statistics, the winter tyre market in the UK is less than 2%, but if sales in Halifax, Yorkshire, UK, are any indication, I believe that number to be much higher and that the market is expanding quickly.
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